Grüner Bogen
Grüner Bogen

Existing CHP technically tuned to highest performance

Heinrich und Michael Elberfeld

H & M Elberfeld GbR

“We didn’t want to renew everything, we just wanted it more structured. Thanks to bwe we are now more efficient, also with the work that we already had.”

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Heinrich and Michael Elberfeld from Bösel in Lower Saxony have been operating a biogas plant since 2002, since 2007 with a 527 kW CHP. They use the heat and the electricity from their own production for the stalls, their home and - since 2014 - for a fermentation residue dryer system. bwe Energiesysteme installed the biogas plant technology so that the Elberfelds can face the future with confidence.

Heat extraction increased

To reduce the costs of the collection of the fermentation residue over-capacities, bwe erected a dryer system on the premises. With the help of the existing CHP, tuned to high performance by CHP, water is withdrawn from the fermentation residues. The consequence: annually 3000 to 4000 cubic metres less fermentation residue volume. The heating technicians from bwe Energiesysteme could increase the heat extraction from the combined heat and power plant to a performance of a maximum of 780 kW. It was thus possible to do without the installation of an additional CHP. 

Components intelligently integrated

At the same time Heinrich and Michael Elberfeld extended their plant with an additional fermentation residue storage with a capacity of up to 12,000 cubic metres. The existing fermenters, stores, motors, pumps and automation had to be intelligently connected to the new one. bwe integrated the dryer system and the fermentation residue store in the existing system and technically connected the new elements from the substrate side, technically with the heating and the electricity. The electrical engineers from bwe completely rebuilt the controller, all parts automated and visualised centrally.

Various substrates

Thus adapted, the biogas plant can now increasingly process different substrates - maize, GPS, pig slurry and poultry excrement. With the measures from bwe Heinrich and Michael Elberfel are in a position to drive down costs and to increase income. 

Technical data
Year of manufacture drying system 2014
Increasing the CHP capacity: Increasing the CHP capacity from 535 kW to a maximum of 780 kWth
Input materials:Pig slurry, poultry excrement, maize, GPS
Site of drying system:500 kWth., from Dorset